Quick start

Now we have all the tools needed to create our schema and start using it!

Creating schema

First, lets create a basic schema.

  • Create a file with name schema.memorix in the root of your project (remove unwanted output languages)

    Config {
      output: [
              language: "typescript"
              file: "memorix.generated.ts"
              language: "python"
              file: "memorix_generated.py"
              language: "rust"
              file: "memorix_generated.rs"
    Cache {
        hello {
            payload: string
        rating {
            payload: int
    PubSub {
        message {
            payload: string
  • Now we can generate code for the schema we created using the Memorix CLI (and on future schema changes), simply un this in your terminal

    memorix codegen ./schema.memorix
    • Now API files have been generated in your source code folder, you can start using the API.

Using the schema API (redis)

Here is a code example of how to use the schema we created

  • Note: you need a redis service running, this code example assumes you do
import Memorix from "src/memorix.generated";

const start = async () => {
  const memorix = new Memorix({ redisUrl: "redis://localhost:6379/0" });

  await memorix.cache.hello.set("world");
  await memorix.cache.rating.set(10);
  const helloValue = await memorix.cache.hello.get();

  console.log(helloValue); // Should print "world"

from src.memorix_generated import Memorix

memorix = Memorix(redis_url="redis://localhost:6379/0")

hello_value = memorix.cache.hello.get()

print(hello_value) # Should print "world"
mod memorix_generated;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let memorix = memorix_generated::Memorix::new("redis://localhost:6379/0").await?;

    let hello_value = memorix.cache.hello.get().await?;

    println!("{:?}", hello_value); // Should print "world"


You can explore the API we created using your IDE since it’s fully typed. To learn which other features Memorix has to offer, start by checking defining your data →